alex uballe
Alex U_Cut Outs (5)

Alex Uballe is a natural born gay mama’s boy raised in Toledo. Growing up, Alex always tried to stand out from the crowd and that carries over to his design work. He stands out with his bold sense of color, eye-catching pattern usage and a fearless, take charge badass-itude, and a knowledge of all the lyrics to Kanye West’s “Gold-digger”. He enjoys shopping for clothes, men (not no scrubs), chicken nuggets, and his cat, Luna. Some of his dislikes include people who wear socks with sandals, and Bono.


After he graduates, Alex plans on finishing his internship with Imagination Station and then moving to Cleveland with the end goal of making it big on Broadway scalping tickets to Lion King in the Big Apple, New York City…just kidding, but he does plan on moving to New York someday and living out his dreams.